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Getting started with settings
Getting started with settings

Quickly adjust settings to make TimeChimp feel personalised.

Marketing TimeChimp avatar
Geschreven door Marketing TimeChimp
Updated over a week ago

Read here how you quickly customize settings for various modules.

Table of contents

Where can I find the settings?

You can access the settings page by clicking on the gear icon in the top right corner and selecting "Settings." Here, you will find a list of all the settings in TimeChimp that you can customize.

Note! You will only see the settings if you have administrator rights within your organization.

What settings can I adjust?

Below is a list of settings that you can adjust.

Note! The settings you see may depend on the type of package you are using and which modules and integrations are activated.


Change organisational settings and information like the name, the address and the logo.


Adjust general settings here, such as white-labelling your email domain, blocking trackers, and granting TimeChimp Support access to your account.


Adjust regional settings such as currency, time zone, and date format.


Customize the time tracking form, choose how employees can register their hours, determine how the timer rounds, and set the default schedule.


Customize the expense tracking form.


Customize the mileage tracking form and set a default mileage rate.


Settings for relations.


Settings for projects.

Shift schedule

Settings for staff planning.


Create invoice layouts and set default emails used for sending invoices.


Settings for self-billing.


Create estimate layouts and set default emails used for sending estimates.


Set an approval flow and choose who can approve.

Customer Portal

Settings for the client portal.


Set a theme to make your TimeChimp feel more aligned with your company's branding.

Integration settings

Depending on the chosen integrations, you will find their settings here.

API settings

Here, you can generate an API access token and access the API documentation if needed.

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