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Getting started with settings
Getting started with settings

Quickly adjust settings to make TimeChimp feel personalised.

Marketing TimeChimp avatar
Written by Marketing TimeChimp
Updated over a week ago

Read here which settings you can adjust for the various modules.

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Where can I find the settings?

You can access the settings page by clicking on the gear icon in the top right corner and selecting "Settings." Here, you will find a list of all the settings in TimeChimp that you can customize. These settings are organization-wide and will apply to all users in the organization.

Note You will only see the settings if you have administrator rights within your organization or with a custom role that grants access to this page.

What settings can I adjust?

Below is a list of settings that you can adjust.

Note The settings you see may depend on the type of package you are using and which modules and integrations are activated.


In the organization settings, you can manage the general information about your organization. Set the name, address, contact details, and financial information of your organization here. You can also set your organization's logo here. This logo and the address details will be displayed on the invoices you send via TimeChimp.

Lastly, you can create a custom email template for new employees. This is the email that new employees receive when they get an invitation to register on TimeChimp.


In the general settings, you manage access to your account. When you contact Support, it is helpful if they can view your environment to quickly resolve any issues.

You can also block Trackers here. Set this to 'yes' if you don't want trackers (such as Google Analytics) to be active within your account. Keep in mind that this will also disable the chat function. You can also close the registration period here. Specify the number of weeks from which it's possible to register hours.

Lastly, you can enable a whitelabel for your emails here. To reduce the likelihood that emails sent from TimeChimp end up in the recipient's spam folder, you can whitelist the emails. This article explains how to do this exactly.


In the regional settings, you can adjust the settings regarding currency, time zone, date, time, number, and distance formats.


In the time registration settings, you can indicate which registration fields are visible and/or mandatory for employees when they register hours.

You can also specify which devices employees are allowed to use for their time registration. You can choose between the web browser, time clock, and/or mobile app. Here, you can also specify whether the Timer feature is allowed and how it should round off times. You can also indicate whether breaks are allowed in the registrations. If disabled, the timer will not log breaks.

Lastly, you can set the default schedule here, which will be used in project planning and the personnel roster.

Do you want employees to only see linked activities in the project? Make sure to make the 'project' field mandatory in the hour registration settings.


Just like in the time settings, you can adjust which fields are visible or mandatory when an employee registers expenses.

If the 'Billable' checkbox is unchecked, expenses will always be registered as billable.

If the 'with VAT' checkbox is unchecked, TimeChimp will always treat the entered price as excluding the selected VAT percentage. Enable the checkbox to give employees the option to choose whether an expense is inclusive or exclusive of VAT.


Manage the visible and mandatory registration fields for the mileage registration form. You can also enter a standard kilometer rate here. If this rate differs for certain clients, you can adjust this in the relations module for the specific client.


Specify here whether and, if so, which client is automatically filled in the registration form for hours, expenses, and trips.


Specify the default billing method that is selected for new projects. This article provides more information on the different billing methods.

Additionally, specify how the billed amount is calculated in the project dashboard. You can choose between the total amount of all invoices for this project or the amount calculated based on the hours, expenses, and trips with the status 'billed.'


Manage your invoice layouts here and create new layouts. Specify how invoices are numbered and set the default payment term. This payment term will only be set for new clients; for existing clients, you will need to update this manually.

You can also edit the email templates used when sending an invoice, reminder email, or warning email.

Here, you can also manage the default description and extra description (footer) that appears on the invoice. You can also add a default invoice attachment, which will automatically be added to the invoice.


Manage your estimate layouts here and create new layouts. Specify how estimates are numbered and set the default expiration dates. These default expiration dates will only be set for new clients; for existing clients, you will need to update this manually.

Additionally, edit the email templates used when sending estimates.

Here, you can manage the default description and extra description (footer) that appears on the quote. You can also add a default quote attachment, which will automatically be added to the quote.


Manage the approval workflow here. This article provides a detailed explanation of the various workflows. You can also specify which roles in your environment have permission to approve.

Additionally, you can indicate whether employees can only submit hours that meet the contract hours. You can also specify whether employees can only submit their hours if the total billable hours per day do not exceed the hours specified in the schedule.

You can also indicate whether a signature is required after approving the hours. This signature can be viewed by clicking on the status of a registration in 'Overviews.'

Lastly, you can find the email settings for the email sent to the contact person when hours have been submitted.

Customer Portal

Edit the email sent when sending an invitation to the client portal.


Choose here whether you want to use a custom theme in your TimeChimp environment to fully customize it to your liking. You can select a primary color and add a menu logo that will appear in the top-left corner.

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