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Getting started with invoicing

Everyones favourite task, invoicing! In this article we will show you how you can invoice in TimeChimp to make your live a little bit easier

Jorrit Meijer avatar
Written by Jorrit Meijer
Updated over a week ago

Learn how to create and send invoices in TimeChimp using various methods such as via Reports, Projects, Finance, or uninvoiced. Discover the steps for creating draft invoices, tracking invoice statuses, and utilizing integrations with accounting software. Simplify your invoicing processes and avoid the hassle of paperwork and lost invoices.

In TimeChimp, there are different ways to create an invoice from registered hours, activities, or employee rides. Below, we describe these methods.

Before you start invoicing, there are settings you can adjust, which you can do in the TimeChimp settings under 'invoices'.

Table of Contents

Invoicing steps in TimeChimp

First, it's good to understand the standard process for creating and sending invoices, regardless of the invoicing method you choose.

Step 1 - Creating the concept invoice

After registering hours, expenses, or rides, you can create an invoice from them. Regardless of the method described below, the invoice will first be a concept. You can review the concept to ensure everything is correct and make necessary adjustments. You can modify invoice items or layout.

When registrations are associated with a concept or sent invoice, the status of these registrations will change to "invoiced." This allows you to easily identify which registrations have been invoiced.

Hours that have already been invoiced, i.e., present on a (concept) invoice, will never be included on another invoice.

Do you get an empty invoice? This can have a few different reason, this article can help you with this!

Step 2 - Sending the invoice

Is the concept invoice all in order? You can send it by clicking "send" on the concept invoice or select multiple concept under 'Financial' and use 'bulk actions' to send them all at once.

When sending an invoice, you have multiple options, which are explained below.

Step 3 - Keep track of everything

You can find all concept and sent invoices under 'Financial.' When an invoice is sent, it will automatically be labeled as "outstanding." Once the invoice due date has passed, the label changes to "expired." It's handy to keep track of your invoice statuses.

Has an invoice been paid? You can change the invoice status by using actions > process payment. It keeps things tidy!

Tip: Do you use integration with accounting software? You can send the invoices created and sent in TimeChimp to your accounting software by creating a sales entry using actions > create sales entry.

Now that you know the basic structure of creating invoices, we will describe and explain the four different methods to create an invoice.


The first method to create an invoice is directly from the 'Overview' section. Select the registrations you want to invoice and click on 'actions,' then 'invoice.' If you want to include both hours and rides and/or expenses on your invoice, you can easily switch between different tabs, and TimeChimp will remember your selections.

A pop-up window will appear where you can specify how you want the invoice items to be described and whether you want to add an attachment. Click 'Create,' and a concept invoice will be generated. You can review and make changes if necessary. If everything looks good, you can send the invoice to your client.


The second method to create an invoice is through the 'Projects' section. Open the project for which you want to create an invoice. On the right side of your screen, you will see 'invoices,' click on '+ new' to create an invoice for this project.

Next, choose the appropriate settings, such as invoice items and the period for the invoice. Click 'Create,' review the concept invoice, and send it if everything is correct!

Financial > Invoices

The third method to create invoices is through 'Financial.' Here, you will find an overview of all (concept) invoices that have been created, sent, or paid.

To create a new invoice, click on '+ New invoice' in the top right corner of your screen. Just like the other invoicing methods, you will see several settings, starting with the client and the basis for the invoice.

Then, choose which projects for this client should be invoiced, how the invoice items should appear, any attachments, and the period. Click 'Create' when all settings are in place, and your (concept) invoice is ready to be sent!

Financial > Uninvoiced

The fourth and final method to create an invoice is also through the 'Financial' tab, but this time under the 'Uninvoiced' section.

Here, you will find an overview of all your clients and projects that have not been invoiced for the selected period and the respective amounts. By clicking on the magnifying glass, you can view the hours, expenses, and/or rides associated with each project.

Using the settings at the top, you can select whether to display only active and/or uninvoiced clients. In the top right corner of your screen, you can select the period, such as the previous month.

Select the projects you want to invoice and click on 'Actions' > 'Invoice.' This will generate concept invoices that you can review and subsequently send to your clients!

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