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Get insights and take action with timeChimp's overviews page

How to filter, group, approve, export and invoice your registrations like a boss!

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Geschreven door TimeChimp
Updated over a week ago

In this article, we explain how you can use the Overview page to gain insight into your registrations. We also explain how you can approve, export, or invoice from here.

Congratulations, you've collected a ton of data with TimeChimp! Hours, expenses, and maybe even some mileage registrations. But how do you make sense of it all? Fear not, our Overviews page has got your back.

Table of Contents


The more registrations you have in TimeChimp, the harder it is to see everything at a glance. That's where the filter options come in. Filter by client, employee, period, or even by status. You can combine different filters to see only the data that's important to you!


In addition to filtering, grouping your data can be valuable. With grouping, you put different values together. For example: If you filter by project and want to see the number of hours worked by each employee, you can then group by employee. This way, you'll see the hours clustered by employee.

Note: You can't combine multiple groupings or export them.


The Overviews page is unique to each person. This means you can choose which columns to display. With this dynamic display, you can easily decide which data you want to see. This is different for each person and doesn't apply to your colleagues.


In the Overviews screen, you can approve or reject your colleagues' registrations. Select the rows you want to approve, click Actions in the upper right corner, and choose Approve or Reject.

  • If you approve the hours, they cannot be edited and are considered "final."

  • If you reject the hours, the employee can edit them and resubmit them for approval.

  • Want to edit the hours first? Choose Change status to Open. You can then edit the hours without requiring action from the employee. Once the hours are correct, you can approve them in the usual way without resubmitting them.


All data within TimeChimp can be exported, which is super handy for gaining further insights. First, select the data you want to export. Then choose Export and select the desired export file from the dropdown menu.


From Overviews, you can easily and quickly invoice your registrations. Start by selecting the registrations you want to invoice, which can include hours, expenses, and/or mileage. Your selection is saved when you switch to a different registration type. Then click Actions > Invoice in the upper right corner. Learn more about the invoicing process here.

If you don't invoice in TimeChimp but still want to mark the hours as invoiced, choose Actions > Change status to Invoiced. The hours will then be marked as invoiced, which is super handy for your administration.


In the Overviews screen, we have different statuses for registrations, but what do they mean?

  • Registered: The registration has been created.

  • Submitted: The registration has been submitted for approval.

  • Approved: The registration has been approved.

  • Disapproved: The registration has been disapproved.

  • Booked: The registration has been booked.

  • Invoiced: The registration has been invoiced.

Registration History

An audit trail of your registrations is useful, and you can view it for each registration. Select the Status column in your columns. Then click on the status box. A pop-up window will appear with the registration's history, such as when it was created, approved, or invoiced.

So, filter, group, and customize your Overviews page to your heart's content! And don't forget to approve, export, and invoice like a boss.

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