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How to read the HRM report
Jorrit Meijer avatar
Written by Jorrit Meijer
Updated over a week ago

Once you have added your employees and they have started tracking their time, it's important to understand all the figures and numbers in the HRM report. In this article, we will explain everything to you in detail.

Table of Contents

Settings and filters

In the HRM module, you have two different tabs; "Employees" and "Teams". To learn more about using teams, click here.

To get the most out of the HRM overview, you can use various filter options. This way, you'll get a detailed view of the status of your employees, their hours, and revenues.


The first filter you can use is the period filter, in the top left of the screen. When you adjust the period, all the data in the overview will be adjusted according to the filter that has been applied. This way, you can easily get an overview per week, month, or even a whole year.


Use the "Employee" filter to search for specific employees and get a clear overview.


If you want to gain insight into the hours of users with a specific role, use this filter to easily pick out this user.


If you use labels and have linked them to your employees, you can use this filter to display only employees with the selected labels.


Search and filter employees assigned to a team.

Show deleted employees

Employees that have been deactivated/removed from TimeChimp will still exist in TimeChimp so you can still find information about their registered hours, expenses, and/or rides.

Slide this switch to 'No' to only see active users. If the slider is set to 'Yes', deactivated employees will also appear in the overview.

Explanation of the different columns

When you have adjusted your filters based on the information you want to see, you'll see a lot of numbers in the overview. These are grouped in columns. Below we explain what each column means.

User: The name of the employee, with their role listed below.

Email: The employee's email address, which they use to log in to TimeChimp. This email address is also used for email communication from TimeChimp.

Total: The total number of contracted hours for the set period.

Occupation: The percentage of hours the employee has registered compared to the total number of contracted hours for the set period. The progress bar changes color when an employee has registered more or less than the total number of hours.

Contract: The total number of hours that this employee is contracted to work.

Billable: The number of billable hours the employee has registered.

Non-billable: The number of non-billable hours the employee has registered.

Leave: The number of leave hours the employee has registered. If you work with different types of absences, this figure will be a total of the different absence types.

Sick: The number of sick hours the employee has registered.

Expenses: The total amount of expenses the employee has registered.

Mileage: The total number of kilometers this employee has registered.

Revenue: This amount is the total of all activities multiplied by the hourly rate of these activities. The hourly rate of the activities reflects the billing settings of the projects on which the employee has registered.

Costs: This amount is a sum of the set purchase price in the employee's contract times the number of registered hours.

Margin: The employee's revenue minus the employee's costs. This reflects the profit per employee over the period.

Declarability: The percentage of the registered hours that can be billed.

Employee number: The employee number of the employee.

Incl. supplement:

Extra functions


You can also export the HRM overview in various ways according to your preference. Select the employees you want to export and click on 'export', then you will have the following options:


This function copies all columns, which you can then paste wherever you want.


Print the selected employees and columns that are set.


Export the selected employees and all columns, even those not selected, to an Excel file with CSV format. The CSV format is a simple and old database format.


Export all selected employees and all columns to an Excel file with CSV format. The CSV format is a simple and old database format.


Export the selected employees with selected columns to a PDF file.


Via actions, you have even more options to find more information about your employees. After selecting the desired employees, you have the following options:

Show remaining balance

See at a glance the current balance of leave and overtime.

Send message

Use this option to easily send an email to the selected employees.

Send invitation

Send the invitation to activate the TimeChimp account to the selected employees if they have lost this email or have not yet received it.

Change role

Change the role of multiple employees at once.

Deactivate employees

If an employee is leaving your company or no longer needs to track time, you can deactivate the employee via this option. You can reactivate deactivated employees. This may have an impact on the package you have; please check the settings > subscription.

Three dots

Via the three dots, you have a few more options per employee.


Edit the data of this employee. We have written a separate article about this, which you can find here.


You can also block users. Via this button, you can block or unblock an employee.

Deactivate employee

Via this option, you can remove a user as an active employee of your organization, for example, if they have left the company. This may have an impact on the package you have; please check the settings > subscription.


View and edit the availability of this employee.

Project details

View the registrations of the employee grouped per project that has been worked on. The information you see is based on the selected period and for these projects, you can see the total number of hours, total billable hours, expenses, kilometers, revenues, and costs.


In the employee's dashboard, you have a more detailed weekly overview of the balance of leave, absence, and overtime. You can also see the self-billing invoices, planning, and supplements of this employee if you use these features.

Send invitation

Send the employee an invitation to activate their account.

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