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Changes in the Reports Module

Find all updates and differences between the old and new version of the Reports module here.

Lenneke Verstappen avatar
Written by Lenneke Verstappen
Updated over 2 months ago

After updating the HRM, Relations, Projects, and Settings pages, the Overviews module has also received an update. In this article, we outline the differences between the old and new versions for you.

Note: Only the "Hours" tab has been updated, Expenses and Trips will follow later.


The options for filtering and setting visible columns in Reports have been relocated.

Filters can now be applied in multiple ways, as before, via the filters above the table, but also by clicking the three lines in a column or through the filter option on the right side of the table.

When you hide columns (more on this below), the filters above the table will update to show only filters for the active columns.

More options via the three dots on a column

Via the three dots in header of a column can sort the data in that column, pin the column left or right, or automatically adjust its width based on the content.


To display only the information you need, you can still choose which columns to show, as in the previous version. Previously, this option was in the top-right corner of the table, next to the "Actions" button. In the updated version, it has been moved to the right side of the table. Click on the "Columns" option to select which columns you want to display.

A new feature in the Overviews page is the ability to rearrange columns. Drag and drop columns to change their position, or use the "Columns" option on the right side of your screen to rearrange them.

Ability to Create custom Views

After applying filters, showing or hiding columns, pinning, and rearranging them, you can save your customized view as a personal view.

To create a custom view, simply configure the table the way you want and click "Save View." That's it! All your saved views will appear at the top of the table for easy selection, allowing you to quickly access the information you need.

Personalized views ensure you see only the information relevant to you, making it easier to analyze data. For example, you could create a view that shows only uninvoiced hours or all leave hours sorted by employee.

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