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Editing your invoice

What and how can you change when editing your invoices in TimeChimp

Jorrit Meijer avatar
Written by Jorrit Meijer
Updated over 12 months ago

After creating an invoice, there are several options that you can apply or modify. In this article, we explain what these are and how to do it.

Table of Contents

To edit an invoice you can either open the invoice and click the edit button or you can click on the three dots in the invoice overview, and then click on the edit button.

Please note! Editing an invoice should only be done with it is still in the 'Concept' phase. TimeChimp allows you to also edit invoices that are finalised however this should be used with caution as many tax authorities don't allow this.

Currency and language

We start with the currency and language. After clicking on 'Edit' you will find the options to change the currency, exchange rate, and language. Enter the price of the new currency in euros for the exchange rate. This exchange rate is used when displaying the total price in the invoice overview.

Customer and invoice information

You can adjust the customer and invoice information in the top left of the editing screen. The information you have entered in the customer settings is used here.

You can of course still adjust this information and optionally add a description or modify the existing description. You can also set a default description via the settings (gear icon) > settings > invoicing. At the bottom, you will see the option 'Default description'.

Below the totals, we can add the extra description. Just like the "normal" description, we can set the extra description as default via settings (gear icon) > settings > invoicing. If you have set this as default, you will also find it when editing the invoice. Fortunately, you can adjust the extra description here if necessary.

Date and payment term

On the right side of the customer and invoice information, you can change the invoice date and due date. Again, these fields are filled in with the data that has been added to this specific customer, this information can be changed via 'Relations'.

Additionally, you can adjust the payment term and add a reference to the invoice. This reference can later be used for filtering in the invoice overview. This reference is also visible on the invoice itself. Have you entered a project number? Then this number will be used as a reference.

Invoice lines

Under the heading "invoice lines," we can adjust the current lines.

The description, quantity, price, and VAT of all individual lines can be easily adjusted here. You can also add completely new lines, where all the above information can be filled in.

Additionally, these lines can also be immediately linked to a project. The button "Link project" becomes visible under the new line. You can also change the order of the lines by dragging with the drag symbol and you can delete lines.

The field 'Code', is used for VAT codes or codes linked to the activities. These fields are only filled in if you use an integration.


Then we come to the bottom of the invoice, where you find the total amount. Here, you can add a discount and/or surcharge by clicking on one of these buttons on the right side.

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