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How to link Zapier to TimeChimp

Connect with over 1000 applications through Zapier.

Nick Dekker avatar
Geschreven door Nick Dekker
Updated over a week ago

Create zaps with Zapier and connect Timechimp to almost any imaginable application.


About Zapier

Zapier is like a digital butler that takes tasks off your hands by allowing different apps to talk to each other. It's like Cupid, but for apps. They bring apps together and make them fall in love with each other, so you have time for other things.

What can you automate with Zapier

With Zapier, you can easily automate processes by linking applications together. For example, you can automatically create a new task in TimeChimp after creating a new card in Trello. Or when you set a deal to won in SalesForce, the customer is automatically created in TimeChimp.

Creating a Zapier account

To link TimeChimp to one of these 1000+ applications, you first need to create an account with Zapier. You can do this here.

Connecting TimeChimp to Zapier

First connect your Zapier account to Timechimp. Follow below link to activate the connection:

When you create a Zap, you just need to activate TimeChimp (for the first time) by entering your API token. You will see a popup when activating in Zapier, where you need to enter it:

To receive the Token, go to TimeChimp > Settings > App Center > API and click on. 'Generate'.

Note: Use only the code! without the text Authorization: Bearer

Then click on 'Yes, continue' and then on Test. If the test is successful and the button turns green, you can add Triggers and Actions!

Succes creating your Zaps, Easy does it!

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