Table of Contents
What is a customer portal?
The customer portal within TimeChimp can be used to provide customers with access without requiring a license or password. This can be useful when a customer wants to view and/or approve hours, view invoices or budgets.
Creating the portal
Step 1: Click on the gear icon
Step 2: Go to customer portals
Step 3: Click on +New customer portal
Voilà! You have created a customer portal
Portal settings
Select the customer and the language of the portal.
Then choose the desired settings for the customer portal.
Attention! Do you want the customer to approve the hours? Make sure that the 'Approve' app is activated and that the 'approval workflow' is set to external, internal → external, or external → internal.
Only when you have completed the above steps will the 'approval' setting appear in the settings of the customer portal.