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Edit Power BI template

Upgrade the latest Power BI templates at TimeChimp! Make the necessary adjustments for an optimal and even better experience.

Jorrit Meijer avatar
Geschreven door Jorrit Meijer
Updated over a week ago

In October 2023, we launched three updated Power BI templates in collaboration with Adapt Analytics. If you wish to continue using the old Power BI templates from TimeChimp, you will need to make some necessary changes. These changes ensure that the old templates continue to work. In this article, we explain what changes you need to make. Let's dive right in!

Step 1 - Edit Power Query

Open Power BI and the TimeChimp template. At the top of the bar, you will see an icon of a table with a pen. Click on it to edit the Power Query.

Step 2 - Edit the queries

The screenshot below shows the screen that opens. Then follow these steps:

  1. Select the 'Times' query.

  2. Click on 'apiURL' on the right side.

  3. At the top, you will see a URL; at this moment, it says ''

  4. Replace '' with ''

  5. Repeat this for the following queries: Expenses, Mileages, Customers, Projects, Tasks, Users, ScheduleAssignments, Invoices, and Estimates.

Step 3 - Save

Once you have updated all the queries, you can click on the close icon. You will then be asked if you want to save the queries. Of course, you want to do this. Click on 'Yes' or 'Ja' if your Power BI is set to Dutch.

Step 4 - Connect to OData feed

A pop-up may appear to reconnect to the OData feed. Select 'Anonymous' as shown in the screenshot below, and make sure the URL is Finally, click on connect.

Congratulations, you have updated your Power BI template! If you need help or encounter an error, please contact us via the chat or send an email to

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